Fire, Façades & Membranes
This concept panel presentation will feature presentations from
Adam Ozinsky, Building Envelope Designer | Buildings & Cities, Arup speaking on
Membranes and Fire: Small Component, Large Impact
- Why are do we use membranes and why are we concerned about their role in fire spread?
- Possible fire spread mechanisms
- Overview and the components of current performance recommendations
- Overview of available market products and possible pitfalls
Merl Forrer, Associate, Design Fire Consultants speaking on
Fire Safety in High Rise Buildings - A UK Fire Testing Story
⁃ Fire safety history, the development of the regulations and external wall testing
⁃ High rise doesn’t equal high risk (statistical analysis)
- Development and future of medium and full-scale testing
- The future: Legacy, lessons learned and getting it right
Miguel Silva, Technical Director, Effisus &
Henrique Ferreira, Key Account Manager, Effisus speaking on
Fire Performance Strategy on Façade Weatherproofing
- Reflection about the recent events and the UK building regulation
- A2 fire rated weatherproofing envelope system – What technology is available
- Weatherproofing fire performance - Testing & consulting
This is a repeat recording of the session held earlier in July!