Schüco Façade System AF UDC 80

Dynamic unitised façade with high degree of design freedom
The Schüco AF UDC 80 (Aluminium Façade Unitized Dynamic Construction) is part of the system platform for aluminium unitised façades. With its scalable and tested assemblies, the dynamic system offers architects, specifiers and fabricators an easy way to construct building projects with unitised constructions and a wide range of use and design options based on efficient planning and fabrication.
The flexibility with maximum system reliability facilitates optimum use of system components even for adapted, project-specific unitised façade constructions.
Another benefit is the high degree of design freedom. The product portfolio of the system comprises various design options with a framed appearance. The continuous profile face width allows for maximum façade transparency.
Cover caps are available as design options; these enable a visually reduced sightline – with the same high load-bearing structure. This means that large-format unit dimensions with high unit weights are possible.
Opaque areas of the unit can be designed with a variety of different materials, such as metal sheets, printed glass and natural stone: it can be flush-fitted or integrated cantilevered in the façade unit to create deep offsets using system attachment components.
In combination with the concealed Schüco AB ZDS textile sun shading that is stable in windy conditions, cooling loads can be reduced in the building while achieving attractive façade architecture thanks to profile-integrated guide tracks.