Window Vents / Tricklevents

Window Vents / Tricklevents

Window Vents / Tricklevents
Window Vents / Tricklevents
Window Vents / Tricklevents
Window Vents / Tricklevents


Many people think that opening the window from time to time is sufficient. However, the effect of opening a window is only temporary, and ventilation through open windows is uncontrollable (and therefore wasted energy). Also, opening the window leads to other problems such as noise, risk of burglary, an intrusion of insects along with others. Continuous and controlled ventilation is the only effective method to ensure a healthy indoor climate. A poor indoor climate may cause breathing problems, dry throat, eye irritation, headaches, allergies, impaired concentration, lack of energy, sleepiness, .... Moreover, excess moisture in the home can cause odours, condensation and mold growth, hence the importance to ventilate on a regular basis properly.

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